Worlds Largest Grillz, Tattoo, & Jewelry Company!!!

we also make custom jewelery!!!

     Give our store a call and if you have a  idea and let us help you make your your dream a reality!!!  We only use the  best to create the best for you to last for ever. Are jewelers here at Gold2ink are deticated to ensuring you get a qaulity product and experience.

  Not all of our jewelry have been up loaded on are online store, were constantly getting orders in and out but we can accomidate any of your jewelry needs from, rings, watches, grillz, miami cuban links, and etc.

  And if that wasnt  enough we just kicked off a awesome buy now pay later program were theres even more to choose and finacing oppritunity.

feel free to give us a call and we'll be happy to help you get squared away!

Gold2ink Grillz/Tattoos

Flavor bomb!!!

many know the gold2ink brand for one or the other becoming more of a trending in many citys. known for working with only the best in both idustustrys. managiing to mix both worlds creating an expolsion of flavor & style!!!
-ask about our-

>buy one get on free Specials
>All you can take and much more!!!
 Simply call today & set your apointment:979-291-8055 

Gold2Ink GoldGrillz
Premium custom gold grillz

Voted #1 the best in the industry for the pass the best 6 years

we ship worldwide!!!

Get that permeant look.

Shop now & Add to your drip!!!

Highest quality at the lowest prices!

let us help you put a dent in the fashion world!!

f​​We've taken the grillz industry to another level.

​​​​Experience the next level!

who are we you ask ...

Your just a few click's away!!!

  • we have over 14 years of expeirence.
  • we provided the highest in qaulited alloys and diamonds.
  • we have 3 major locations & ship worldwide.
  • were not just your average grill shop were a manufaturer so were able to give you unbelievable  quaility at unbelievable prices.
  • customer repairs are offered but there are no refunds only exchanges.
  • feel free to contact one of customer support members at any moment our jobs is to make your dream a reality. 

We provide the most detail in our indrustry, when you compare are work to others its clearly unmatched though often compared. we've been dominating the grill game simply  because we put love in our grillz, we actally care about our customers and how or products effects them. 

We carry a ​​​​​​​large varietys of design too choose from like:
  • trillion cuts
  • diamond cuts
  • Princess cuts
  • small drips
  • Big drips
  • perm look
  • diamond dust
  • nugget cuts
  • open faces
  • starburst cuts 
  • and much more!!!

for wholesale: send us a email and we'd be glad to get you start on the road to making money for practically doing nothing by joining one of the biggest industries in the world with one the biggest brands Gold2Ink.​​​

Timothy williams or as some would consider him one of the kings of the industry, has deticated allot of his time and efforts into using only the best of matierials, staff & craftmenship on everything produced weather it be product or service. 
We  would like to thank you for choosing gold2ink!!!
by shopping with we consider you part of our familly here G2I  and for those of you who are considering joining the team
welcome home!!!
your comments, opininions and suggestions are always welcomed as it is you who makes us better. 

whys your jewelers better than theres 

The Difference Between: Pre-Made and Custom-Fitted Grillz
Pre-made grillz, or our low-gradet gold-plated grillz, come in one standard size that fits most. They are made from stainless steel and then plated gold
Custom-fitted grillz, or solid gold grillz, are more expensive option because they are made from pure gold and designed to fit you perfectly. First, you will receive everything you need to create an impression of your teeth. You will mail it back to us, and we will use your impression to create a custom-fitted grillz designed to give an exact fit to the shape and size of our teeth.